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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Officially Unofficial Campaing

Hi there....it's me....Murphy!    And today I would like to announce that I will be running.  And not around the dog park or tennis court.  It's official.  Not like my Facebook page unofficial, but it's official that I will be in the race for the big white house that sits on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! 

Why not?  I live outside of Washington DC.  JK Moving&Storage wouldn't have far to travel to move me and my humans in the big white house that sits on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!   I just gave you a plug JK Moving&Storage

Why not?  I'm certainly very pretty.  I'm smart.  I'm funny and I'm happy twenty four hours of the day....even when I'm sleeping.   You won't find me just opening up my mouth for no reason!   Catching tennis balls is what it's all about!   Barking for no reason - not me.   Wagging my tail without a purpose - not me.  Going in the car for no reason - not me. 
I'm driven by duck liver and the love from my humans.  I'm a good friend to my fellow canines.  I'm working on the cat population, but I'm worried that Sassy Cat will send video to YOUTUBE just to sabotage my hard work.    Like the time when I .....   never mind.

I promise you if I am elected President of the United States Dog World there will be free treats for a lifetime!   No more having to sit and beg or look cute!   Treats are up for grabs!   There will be treat bowls located next to every fire hydrant!    I promise to recreate the dog park!   Plenty of fresh grass with mud pits for those of us who love to get dirty.  Watering holes to jump in and cherry blossom trees lined up for the males who need something to aim at.   I promise to unleash the law where all dogs are free to swim in the Tidal Basin.  Small dogs on the left - big dogs on the right. 
No reflecting pool or fountain will be off limits!   
Food vendors will not stop you from grab-n-go-help-thyself pleasures.  

I promise if I am elected President of the United States Dog World, those who treat us with disrespect and harm will have a lifetime of picking up poop.  All types...ewww!   We will be a strong country pack that supports all  kind.  Shaggy or hairless.  All dogs matter!   And cats.   The police who guard 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will be replaced by handsome German Shepherds.  Sorry, Rotties and Dobies...I have another assignment for you.   The front lawn of the big white house will no longer have iron gates and barbed wire.  The Presidential garden is all yours!  

If I'm elected President of the United States Dog World, I will lift the ban on curbing.  When ya' gotta go...ya' gotta go humans!   Humans who leave unwanted food on the sidewalk will be fined a year supply of tennis balls to the Humane Society.   But we thank them for the unwanted food later. 
There will be special events held for service dogs and my contributions will go towards their needs. 
There will be red carpet treatment for service dogs.  Every Uber driver, taxi, bus, metro and soccer-mom minivan will transport a service dog and their human when in need.   I raise my paw to all service dogs.  

Humans.  This looks to me like it's going to be a very long messy and boring election.  Scary too!
So why look any further.  I already have the lead with the canines....where do I stand with you?!
Cats?  please. 

It looks as if my sister Ellie Roo may be my running mate! 

So....do I have your vote?

to be continued.....

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What message?

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